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Planning your capital budget with confidence
can help you successfully navigate the process
takes a lot to manage a campus today.
You know exactly
which buildings need upkeep, but you’re not sure which projects you should budget
for next year and which can be deferred. How can you be confident – and
demonstrate that confidence to your board – which projects are most important
or the most urgent?
You need the data
that only a comprehensive capital plan can provide.
planning is Trudeau’s core business
professionals at Trudeau Architects, pllc, can help you gather this information
and analyze it. Whether your campus is one of higher education or healthcare, a
capital budget is a major financial commitment. We can help you create a
capital plan that maintains your infrastructure while keeping your budget under
Trudeau team is unique because we understand every phase of the building cycle.
We know that every building – whether it’s on a multi-building campus or a
multi-campus institution – has its own needs in terms of security, aesthetics,
energy use, and wear-and-tear. This is why we invest time and effort –
integrating our staff with yours to work as one team – to conduct a meticulous
examination of your physical plant and learn how your buildings are used.
your facilities inside and out
is essential – the recommendations that come from your office need to be based
on assessments that are thorough and information that’s reliable.
Trudeau team will work with you to develop a formal procedure for documenting
the condition of all building systems, including techniques, logistics, and
scope. We will physically inspect property and interview those who use it every
this information, we’ll build a comprehensive database that lists necessary
work items. Together, we’ll group these items into projects, based on the type
of corrective action, priority and cost. We’ll help you assess whether repair
or replacement would be more cost effective, offer options for each, and
propose schedules for phasing them in over five and 10 year periods, estimating
the capital needed each year. When the process is complete, you will have a
better grasp of your facilities and the confidence to set budgets for
maintaining them.
planning brings results
are three different examples of how the Trudeau team has helped institutions
devise strategies for capital repair and improvement:
Albany Institute of
History & Art: A comprehensive plan for a small campus.
As part of a capital planning project at the
Albany Institute of History & Art, Trudeau assessed the condition of the
museum for safety, security and accessibility; and its mechanical, electrical,
and plumbing systems. From this research, a plan was designed to a carry out a
series of capital improvements, repairs and maintenance throughout the next
decade. The team first put into place procedures to reduce energy use by
adjusting air circulation, which has already saved more than 25% on energy costs.
Then it resolved problems with paint adhesion and lighting to refurbish the
popular Lansing Gallery and designed a canopy and new north entrance to address
safety issues created by ice buildup. The plan is easily updated by staff and has
been a vital piece in grant applications and fund raising.
Law School: A subject-specific plan.
was contacted by Albany Law School for a specific planning study that looked at
options for replacing its historic windows while improving their performance,
based upon set criteria establish by the college. The windows had generally
exceeded their useful lives. A system was developed separating the various
window systems into sets that were graded according to functional criteria. Each
window set was then best matched against the attributes of several window
construction types. The first phase has already been completed, preserving the
overall tightness of the building envelope without compromising its aesthetics.
Binghamton University: A comprehensive plan for a large campus.
University hired the Trudeau team to develop a comprehensive capital plan for more
than 6,000 beds of student housing. During the process of assessing the student
housing inventory, Trudeau determined that two of its oldest dormitory
communities were in need of replacement. After the Trudeau team had completed
the capital plan, it was hired back to develop a master plan for replacement of
two of the existing housing communities. The master plan was completed by
Trudeau in association with Burt Hill Architects (now Stantec) and used as the
basis for the design and construction of more than 3,000 new student housing
beds and associated buildings. These state-of-the art buildings have given
Binghamton University a clear competitive recruiting edge in the region.
well-thought out capital plan can help you make sure your campus is in the
condition it needs to be to fulfill your institution’s mission. To do this
effectively, you need a comprehensive look and a methodical approach. Trudeau
Architects can guide you through the process so that you can address your
campus’ immediate needs and build for the future.
us a call at (518) 785-5851 to find out more.
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